Displaying 101 - 110 of 126
Case Study

Innovative Approaches to Rural Lending: Fininciera Calpia in El Salvador

What lessons can be learnt from the success of Financiera Calpia?
Case Study

Savings Mobilization: Formalizing ROSCAS in Jamaica

The success of the Partners Savings Plan in Jamaica

Doing Well By Doing Good: The Future Of Microfinance Via Regulated Financial Institutions

Is there a need to regulate the microfinance market?

The East Asian Crisis and Microfinance

How did Indonesia fare in the East Asian Crisis?

Remittances and Markets: New Players and Practices

What are developmental advantages of remittances?

The Developmental Role of Remittances in U.S. Latino Communities and in Latin American Countries

Emerging facets of migrant remittances

The Impact of Access to Credit on the Saving Behavior of Microentrepreneurs: Evidence from 3 Latin American Countries

Why shifting savings into deposit accounts benefits microentrepreneurs and financial markets

Risk Mitigation as a Cost-Effective Microfinance Strategy

What are the impacts of client credit histories?

Microenterprise and Poverty: Evidence from Latin America

Assesses poverty in the microenterprise sector in Latin America

Lessons Learned in Rural Finance at the Inter-American Development Bank

Rural finance in Latin America: How can it be developed?