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FinDev Blog

Grappling With India’s National Biometric-Based Payments System

India’s Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AePS) is the world’s first national biometric-based payments system. In the two years since its launch, AePS has revealed both benefits and challenges as it seeks to expand financial inclusion. Grameen Foundation India has experienced these directly as we work to scale digital financial services and financial education.

How does AePS work?

AePS was designed to allow individuals to conduct financial transactions across any participating bank, using just three inputs:

Case Study

Poverty Profile of Ziqitza’s Clients

Understanding the poverty outreach of a health care facility provider
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Building Sustainable Business Models for Providing Financial Services to the Poor

Understanding the business model of Cashpor as a business correspondent
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Channel Innovation for Financial Inclusion

How Cashpor transformed to an MFI-BC to provide multiple financial services to the poor