Displaying 11 - 20 of 35

A Manual and a Toolbox to Improve the Financial Health of Microentrepreneurs

After two years of research including the latest developments brought by the Covid-19 pandemic, a financial health manual is now available.

External Webinar

Impact Investing and Impact Measurement

Guide / Toolkit

Attention Points Business Continuity for MFIs in View of the COVID-19 Outbreak

A practical tool for microfinance institutions for crisis management and business continuity planning

Social Performance Management in Microfinance: Practices, Results and Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa

Revealing a number of challenges the financial inclusion sector should address

Small and Growing Businesses in Africa: Profiles, Successes and Challenges

Learning from successful MSME owners' journeys in Ethiopia, Kenya and Madagascar
Case Study

Rural Finance: Insights From Three Continents

Sharing experiences on sustainable rural finance in Morocco, Nicaragua and Bangladesh

Is It Possible to Finance Livestock in a Sustainable Manner in Nicaragua’s Agricultural Frontier?

Policy recommendations for the microfinance sector to address problems of extensive ranching