Displaying 351 - 360 of 584
Case Study

Self-help Groups in Mayurakshi Gramin Bank: Documentation of Successful Experiences, Impact and Performance Analysis

Documenting success in microfinance innovation

Microfinance Impact: Bias from Dropouts

Examining potential source of bias in cross-sectional impact assessment
Guide / Toolkit

A Methodology for Assessment of the Impact of Microfinance on Empowerment and Vulnerability

Proposing a framework to understand the impact of microfinance

Community Investment Fund: A Study in Andhra Pradesh

Evaluating the impact of community investment funds on SHG members

Microfinance and Social Impact in Post-Conflict Environments

Can microfinance rebuild communities in post-conflict environments where social ties have eroded?

Measuring the Impact of Microfinance: Taking Stock of What We Know

Interpreting the results of microfinance impact studies

Impact Assessment of the 2000-2005 WOCCU Project in Rwanda: A Time Series Survey of Rwandan Credit Union Members

Examining the impact of technical assistance on credit unions

Assessing the Financial Impact of HIV/Aids: A Survey of Rwandan Credit Union Members

Understanding the financial coping mechanisms of HIV/AIDS affected households

Strategic Impact Inquiry on Women's Empowerment: Report of Year 1 (July 2004 - June 2005)

What are the impacts of CARE on women's empowerment?

A Win-Win for Exchanging Tools and Ideas: South Africa

How do win-win relationships aid in market development?