Displaying 291 - 300 of 584

The Promise of Microfinance for Poverty Relief in the Developing World

Analyzing role of microfinance in reducing poverty
Case Study

Impact Assessment of the Microfinance Programme in Amhara Region of Ethiopia

Presented at the "International Conference on Rural Finance Research"

The Impact of Credit on Income Poverty in Urban Mexico

This paper examines poverty impacts, lending technology, credit impacts using household level data.
Case Study

Does the Participation in the Microcredit Programs Increase Consumption of Participating Households? The Case of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh

Assessing effectiveness of microcredit programs in increasing household consumption

The Role of Remittances in Leveraging Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean

Financial services to leverage the economic impact of remittances

A Second Look at Microfinance: The Sequence of Growth and Credit in Economic History

Are expectations of economic growth and poverty reduction from microfinance, unrealistic?

Employment, Not Microcredit, Is the Solution

How much do the poor really benefit from microcredit?

MDGs and Microcredit: An Empirical Evaluation for Latin American Countries

Does credit positively impact income and education?