Displaying 251 - 260 of 584

Microfinance and Home Improvement: Using Retrospective Panel Data to Measure Program Effects on Fundamental Events

Measuring welfare changes associated with development programs

A Review of the Economic and Social Impact of Microfinance: With Analysis of Options for the Mediterranean Region

Reviewing beneficial impact of microfinance on households and microenterprises
Case Study

Enhancing the Impact of Microfinance: Client Demand for Health Protection Services on Three Continents

Potential of microfinance as a platform for delivering complementary health services

Stemming the Tide of Mission Drift: Microfinance Transformations and the Double Bottom Line

Whether commercialization promotes mission drift among MFIs and negatively impacts women clients
Case Study

Microfinance's Impact on Education, Poverty, and Empowerment: A Case Study from the Bolivian Altiplano

How microcredit impacts families economically and domestically?
Case Study

Microcredit, Informal Credit and Rural Livelihoods: A Village Case Study in Bamyan Province

Impact of microcredit on household economies in Afghanistan

The Insurance Role of Remittances on Household Credit Demand

Effect of access to remittances on household participation in financial credit markets
Case Study

Cost-benefit Analysis of CFPR

Survey based analysis of program benefits
Case Study

Microfinance and the Millennium Development Goals in Pakistan: Impact Assessment using Propensity Score Matching

Examining the impact of microfinance in achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Pakistan

Crafting a Graduation Pathway for the Ultra Poor: Lessons and Evidence from a BRAC Programme

BRAC's approach to create a graduation pathway for the ultra poor