
PEI Brief: Building the Graduation Approach into Social Protection Systems

Taking note of the increased interest of governments in the graduation approach
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While the past two decades saw spectacular progress in the fight against poverty, more than 10 percent of the world’s population - over 750 million people - still lives below the $1.90 dollar-per-day threshold (World Bank, 2017). Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere as envisioned in the Agenda 2030 will prove challenging. Not only is reaching the poorest complex, but eradicating poverty sustainably will require integrated, multi-sectoral interventions. The graduation approach, initially pioneered by BRAC in Bangladesh, has often proven effective not only in reaching the poorest, but also in ensuring sustainable pathways out of extreme poverty.

This Brief describes how the graduation approach is gathering momentum with governments who are actively looking to ensure social protection systems also build sustainable livelihoods. The brief concludes with ideas for research and experimentation.

About this Publication

By Alessandra Heinemann, Aude de Montesquiou , Syed M. Hashemi