Guide / Toolkit

SEEP Client Protection Market Diagnostic Tool: User Guide

Self-guided exercise based on CGAP methodology for performing country evaluations

SEEP has developed a diagnostic tool that allows microfinance associations to comprehensively assess client protection in their markets. This tool allows for a self-guided diagnostic exercise, based on the CGAP methodology used to perform country evaluations of client protection (CP) in the microfinance sector. This guide provides an overview of the Client Protection Market Diagnostic Tool and instructions on its use.

The main objective of the Client Protection Market Diagnostic Tool (also called the CP Diagnostic Tool) is to help develop an in-depth understanding of client protection rules, practices, and issues in specific markets. It will also assist microfinance associations and other stakeholders in assessing the adequacy of existing policies, laws, and regulations, and in defining or refining interventions related to client protection in the microfinance sector.

About this Publication

By Dezso, D.