Guide / Toolkit

Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Diagnostic Toolkit

Mapping and measuring the existing entrepreneurial ecosystem

This toolkit provides methodological guidance on assessing the current state of entrepreneurial ecosystems and offers a set of resources and tools that can be used by development practitioners. To develop this toolkit, ANDE conducted a comprehensive review of publicly available literature on entrepreneurial ecosystems and identified nine evaluative frameworks. It assessed these frameworks and synthesized key elements and indicators. The toolkit recommends:

  • Conducting a holistic assessment of the various domains of the ecosystem, using a combination of primary data collection (through firm surveys and stakeholder interviews) and secondary sources (such as government records, industry associations and published academic research);
  • Identifying comparable regions or benchmarks to make the assessment more useful in tracking progress;
  • Practitioners should adapt and modify the proposed methodology with input from local experts, and tailor it to the specific needs of their programs.

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