

Showing 1 - 10 of 14 results
External Webinar

What is Algorithmic Bias, and What Can We Do About It?

COP Webinar

Measuring Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Context of Financial Inclusion

In this event co-hosted by CGD, Data2X, and FinEquity, we launched an initiative to identify and test a core set of WEE indicators for financial inclusion.

External Webinar

Women-Owned Enterprises Amid COVID-19: Strategies to Support Their Survival, Revival, and Recovery

This webinar featured a conversation with three young women entrepreneurs from across Africa and Asia to provide ground-up insights, and lessons learned while navigating their enterprises through COVID-19.

External Webinar

Driving Women’s Financial Inclusion Through Data

External Webinar

Practical Ways to Address Gender-Related Risks at Your Organization

External Webinar

How Can Data Open Opportunity for Women During and After COVID-19?

Hear from leaders of three financial service providers and fintechs about their successes and challenges in gathering and analyzing data in ways that specifically address the evolving needs of women during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COP Webinar

Enhancing Women’s Agency

What works and how do we measure it?
External Webinar

How to Address and Prevent Sexual Harassment in the World of Work

COP Webinar

Integrating Gender in Research Planning

Learn practical ways to integrate gender in financial inclusion research using Oxfam's new guidelines on Integrating Gender in Research Planning. These were recently shared with FinEquity members during a webinar in collaboration with Oxfam.