Showing 81 - 90 of 143 results

Influencing Girls' Lives: Acceptability and Effectiveness of a Livelihoods Skill Building Intervention in Gujarat

Evaluating effectiveness of a livelihood skills building program

Is Microfinance a 'Magic Bullet' for Women's Empowerment? Analysis of Findings from South Asia

Challenging the hegemony of microfinance in women's empowerment

Self-Help Groups: A Keystone of Microfinance in India - Women Empowerment & Social Security

Improving the Self Help Group (SHG) operating model
Case Study

Entrepreneurship and Rural Women: Capacity-building for Market Reach and Poverty Alleviation in a Remote Region of Western India

Proceeds from "4th International Conference on Entrepreneurship Employment and Beyond", 2005
Case Study

Micro Finance and Empowerment of Scheduled Caste Women: An Impact Study of SHGs in Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal

How do scheduled caste women benefit from SHG membership?
Case Study

Use of the Formal and Informal Financial Sectors: Does Gender Matter? Empirical Evidence from Rural Bangladesh

What is the relationship between formal and informal financial sectors and gender?

Women in Self Help Groups and Panchayti Raj Institutions: Suggesting Synergistic Linkages

Studying processes of women empowerment
Case Study

Performance Analysis of Fisherwomen Self Help Groups in Tamil Nadu

Examining the impact of microfinance on fisherwomen's lives in India

Pact's WORTH Model: A Savings-led Approach to Economic Security and Combating HIV/AIDS

How can participant-owned village banking help women address problems like HIV/AIDS?