Showing 71 - 80 of 284 results
Case Study

Applying a Gender Lens to Agriculture: Farmers, Leaders, and Hidden Influencers in the Rural Economy

Discussing the role of women engaged in agriculture as agents of change

Gender Role and Individual Modernity: An Exploratory Study in Microfinance and Gender Role Transformation

Discussing the impact of microfinance on individual modernity of women clients

What Drives Performance of Successful Women Microentrepreneurs in Mexico? A Qualitative Portrait of Positive Deviants and Typical Microentrepreneurs

Identifying success factors among women microentrepreneurs in Mexico
Case Study

Gender Empowerment and Access to Financial Services in Machakos County, Eastern Kenya

Understanding the impact of mobile financial services on gender empowerment
Guide / Toolkit

Women in Agriculture: A Toolkit for Mobile Money Practitioners

Developing mobile-enabled services for women engaged in agriculture
Case Study

Socio-Economic Effects of Microfinance Services on Women: The Case of Rosewo Microfinance, Nakuru County, Kenya

Discussing the impact of microfinance services on women clients
Case Study

Single Mothers and the Earned Income Tax Credit: Insurance without Disincentives?

Studying the effects of insurance provided by a U.S. cash transfer program on single mothers
Case Study

Garanti Bank SA: Combining SME Banking Excellence with a Proposition for Women Entrepreneurs in Turkey

Understanding Garanti’s approach to support women entrepreneurs to set-up and grow their businesses
Case Study

Female Access to Credit in France: How Microfinance Institutions Import Disparate Treatment from Banks

Studying the effects of MFIs' loan-size ceilings on gender

Measuring ICT and Gender: An Assessment

Development implications of information and communications technologies