Showing 51 - 60 of 97 results

Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Development Interventions for Women-Entrepreneurs: An ILO-WED Issue Brief

Designing suitable interventions for women’s entrepreneurship development

The Effects of Microcredit on Women’s Control Over Household Spending in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Discussing the impact of microcredit on women empowerment

Gender Role and Individual Modernity: An Exploratory Study in Microfinance and Gender Role Transformation

Discussing the impact of microfinance on individual modernity of women clients
Case Study

Gender Empowerment and Access to Financial Services in Machakos County, Eastern Kenya

Understanding the impact of mobile financial services on gender empowerment

Women’s Leadership in Mexican Credit Unions: A Study of Barriers and Opportunities

Gaining insights into the obstacles and attributes of women leaders in Mexican credit unions

Does a Picture Paint a Thousand Words? Evidence from a Microcredit Marketing Experiment

Examining the impact of psychological cues on women's take up of credit
Case Study

The Impact of Microfinance Programs on Women's Lives: A Case Study in Kabul Province

Examining the contribution of microfinance to women’s empowerment in Afghanistan

Microfinance and Gender: Is there a Glass Ceiling in Loan Size?

Examining gender discrimination in the lending sector

Rural Women’s Access to Financial Services: Credit, Savings and Insurance

How can we ensure that farmers have adequate access to financial resources?
Case Study

Solutions for Financial Inclusion: Serving Rural Women

Understanding gender-based challenges in accessing financial products and services