Showing 341 - 350 of 545 results

Empowerment of Women in Rural Ethiopia: A Review of Two Microfinance Models

Role of delivery models in women’s empowerment

Exploring Linkages: Women's Empowerment, Microfinance and Health Education

Survey results highlighting the effects of social services provided by MFIs

Microfinance and Women Empowerment: Role of Nongovernment Organisations

Evaluating the impact of microfinance on women

Self Help Groups and Empowerment of Women: Self-selection or Actual Benefits?

Analyzing empowerment levels of SHG group members

Institutional Environment and Access to Microfinance by Self-employed Women in the Rural Areas of Edo State

Improving access to financial services for women

Microfinance Syndrome: Is it for Empowerment or Disempowerment of Women?

Understanding the purpose of microfinance

Gender Bias in Microfinance

Examining consequences of gender bias on MFI performance

Women Want More (in Financial Services)

Why and how do financial institutions fail to deliver what so many women say they need?
Case Study

Product Development for Girls: Girls' Saving and Financial Education

Transforming savings behaviour of low-income girls

Institutional Environment and Access to Microfinance by Self-employed Women in the Rural Areas of Edo State, Nigeria

Assessing impact of microfinance services on self-employed women