Showing 31 - 40 of 109 results

The Fintech Gender Gap

Looking at a survey of over 27,000 adults from 28 major economies, this paper suggests potential explanations for the gender gap and implications for challenges in fostering financial inclusion with new technology.


Empowering Women on a Journey Towards Digital Financial Capability

This report focuses on building the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for customers to engage with digital financial services.


From Cash to Digital Wage Payments in the Philippines

This report discusses why it is imperative to capitalize on this momentum in the wake of COVID-19 to ensure wider adoption and usage of digital payments, particularly among low-income women.


Narrowing the Gender Gap in Mobile Banking

Evidence from field experiments in Bangladesh examining the gender gap in the adoption and usage of mobile banking


Algorithmic Bias, Financial Inclusion, and Gender

A primer on opening up new credit to women in emerging economies

Case Study

Her Resilience in the Face of COVID-19

A data deep dive into the customer base of two financial service providers engaging with low-income women


A Multidimensional Approach to Defining and Measuring Financial Literacy in the Digital Age

The insights from this chapter provide a useful starting place for scholars to build upon to contribute to better-targeted digital financial literacy strategies that ensure no one is left behind in the digital transition.

Guide / Toolkit

The UN Principles for Responsible Digital Payments

The UN Principles for Responsible Digital Payments are a practical nine-part guide to building trust, mitigating risks and driving inclusive economies.


Digital Finance and Inclusion in the Time of COVID-19

A look at opportunities and risks associated with the surge in uptake and use of digital financial services


The Case for a Gender-Intelligent Approach: An Opportunity for Inclusive Fintechs

Urging the need for gender-aware product design