Showing 31 - 39 of 39 results

Making Women’s Work Visible: Finance for Rural Women

Designing financial products and services for rural women

Global Best Practices in Banking Women-Led SMEs

Suggesting steps to implement best practices in reaching women-led SME markets

The Select Five Gender Performance Indicators

Measuring how well MFIs are serving women

Savings: A Gateway to Financial Inclusion

Providing banking institutions a business case for mobilizing savings from low-income women
Case Study

Solutions for Financial Inclusion: Serving Rural Women

Understanding gender-based challenges in accessing financial products and services
Case Study

Product Development for Girls: Girls' Saving and Financial Education

Transforming savings behaviour of low-income girls
Case Study

Transforming the Landscape of Leadership in Microfinance: Maintaining the Focus on Women

Increasing representation of women professionals in microfinance

Microinsurance that Works for Women: Making Gender-Sensitive Microinsurance Programs

Designing microinsurance to address women-specific risks