Showing 21 - 30 of 149 results

Gender Data in Financial Inclusion

This FinEquity Brief highlights how, as a component of gender data, sex-disaggregated data can support women's financial inclusion.


Financial Innovation to Support Women-Led Businesses

This document summarizes the main characteristics of Mexico's first gender bond with the aim of expanding the resources available to finance projects led by women in rural areas.


Why the Economic Response to COVID-19 Needs to Be Financially Inclusive and Gender Sensitive

Steps policymakers and regulators can take to advance women’s financial inclusion


An Assessment of Policy and Regulatory Constraints and Enablers to Women’s Financial Inclusion in Myanmar

In-depth review and analysis of existing policies and regulations accompanied by a literature review


Advancing Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion

10 policy options to improve women's economic participation

Reducing Incidence of Child Labor and Harmful Conditions of Work in Economic Strengthening Initiatives (RICHES)

Key policy and strategy recommendations that women’s economic empowerment actors, such as financial service providers and women’s business support organizations, can implement at the organizational- and client-level.


Lessons on Enhancing Women’s Financial Inclusion Using Digital Financial Services (DFS)

How DFS and/or specific policy interventions can reduce the financial inclusion gender gap

COVID-19 Could Condemn Women to Decades of Poverty

Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s and girls’ economic justice and rights

Deconstructing the Gender Gap in Rural Financial Inclusion

The cases of Mozambique and Tanzania