Showing 21 - 30 of 78 results

COVID-19 Could Condemn Women to Decades of Poverty

Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s and girls’ economic justice and rights

A Comprehensive Framework for Gender Centrality in Financial Services

How can financial service providers serve women customers better?

Gender and Digital Financial Inclusion: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know?

Overview of the current body of evidence on women’s access and usage of financial services

Bridging the Gender Gap: Promoting Women’s Financial Inclusion

Guidance on tackling challenges in achieving gender parity in financial inclusion

Integrating Gender and Women’s Financial Inclusion Into National Strategies

Guidance for policymakers and regulators on narrowing the financial inclusion gender gap

The Role of Insurance Regulation in Promoting Inclusive Insurance for Women

Recommendations for insurance supervisors to enhance women’s access to insurance

Using Your Data to Drive Growth in Mobile Money Services: The Mobile Money Customer Journey with a Gender Lens

How can mobile financial service providers better target women?

Investing in Women along Agribusiness Value Chains

Calling the private sector to invest in closing the gender gap in agribusiness

Policy Frameworks to Support Women's Financial Inclusion

Examples of promising policy solutions to help close the gender gap in financial inclusion

Measuring Women’s Financial Inclusion: The Value of Sex-Disaggregated Data

How data could inform better policies for promoting full financial inclusion