Showing 191 - 200 of 274 results

Access to Finance for Women Entrepreneurs in South Africa: Challenges and Opportunities

This paper addresses the key issues behind improving women's access to credit in South Africa

Women and Microlending in Western Europe

What are the constraints to micro lending for women in Western Europe?

Gender Inequalities in the Risks of Poverty and Social Exclusion for Disadvantaged Groups in Thirty European Countries

Evaluating the gender dimension to the social inclusion process

Microfinance, Rural Livelihoods and Women's Empowerment in Uganda

How can microfinance facilitate women's empowerment?

Microfinance and Female Empowerment

Empowering women through the adoption of high productivity informal activities

Influencing Girls' Lives: Acceptability and Effectiveness of a Livelihoods Skill Building Intervention in Gujarat

Evaluating effectiveness of a livelihood skills building program
Case Study

Microfinance Engagements of the 'Graduated' TUP Members

What drives ultra-poor womens' engagement in microfinance?

Tap and Reposition Youth (TRY): Providing Social Support, Savings and Microcredit Opportunities for Young Women in Areas with High HIV Prevalence

Providing credit, savings and social support services to vulnerable women in the slums of Nairobi
Case Study

Entrepreneurship and Rural Women: Capacity-building for Market Reach and Poverty Alleviation in a Remote Region of Western India

Proceeds from "4th International Conference on Entrepreneurship Employment and Beyond", 2005
Case Study

Micro Finance and Empowerment of Scheduled Caste Women: An Impact Study of SHGs in Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal

How do scheduled caste women benefit from SHG membership?