Showing 151 - 160 of 185 results

Gender and Rural Microfinance: Reaching and Empowering Women

Highlighting gender mainstreaming issues in rural finance

Microfinance and Gender Empowerment

Studying effect of gender targeting in microcredit programs on intra-household relations
Guide / Toolkit

Where Did All the Women Go?

Discussing the return of the glass ceiling and what WWB is doing to reverse this trend

Gender in Agriculture: Sourcebook

Addressing gender disparities for sustained socio-economic development

Microinsurance that Works for Women: Making Gender-Sensitive Microinsurance Programs

Designing microinsurance to address women-specific risks

Taking Gender Seriously: Towards a Gender Justice Protocol for Financial Services

Mainstreaming gender issues in financial services development

Financing Healthier Lives: Empowering Women Through Integration of Microfinance and Health Education

Integrating health education with microfinance programs

Empowering Women Via Microfinance in Fragile States

This paper examines the bias that microfinance programs show towards women borrowers

Borrower Empowerment and Savings: A Two-Stage Microfinance Scheme

The role of savings and borrower empowerment in microfinance

Tort Theory, Microfinance, and Gender Equality Convergent in Pecuniary Reparations

Achieving national level reparations through microfinance