Showing 141 - 150 of 274 results

Microfinance in East Africa: Schemes for Women in the Coffee Sector

Overview of savings and credit landscape for women
Case Study

Solutions for Financial Inclusion: Serving Rural Women

Understanding gender-based challenges in accessing financial products and services

Understanding the Female Economy: The Role of Gender in Financial Decision Making and Succession Planning for the Next Generation

Survey of over 2,000 high net worth individuals on their investment decisions and inheritance plans

The Effect of Microfinance Factors on Women Entrepreneurs' Performance in Nigeria: A Conceptual Framework

Supporting women entrepreneurship to reduce poverty

Microfinance, HIV and Women's Empowerment

Discussing integrative microfinance and gender empowerment activities

Savings and Financial Education for Girls in Mongolia: Impact Assessment Baseline Study

Gathering data on girls' knowledge of, comfort with, and ability to control banking products

Microfinance Impact on Poor Rural Women Empowerment: A Household Level Bargaining Analysis

Does access to credit help in empowering poor rural women?

A Business to Call Her Own: Identifying, Analyzing and Overcoming Constraints to Women's Small Businesses in Latin America and the Caribbean

Examining challenges facing women's microenterprises in Latin America

Rural Women Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Development

Empowering rural women through self-help groups