Showing 141 - 150 of 168 results

Women's Empowerment and Participation in Microfinance: Evidence, Issues and Ways Ahead

How can women's empowerment be more successfully integrated into microfinance programmes?

Integrating Gender Policy in Microfinance: Community Development Centre (CODEC), Bangladesh

Can gender policy be integrated with microfinance without sacrificing financial sustainability?
Case Study

Microcredit and Women's Empowerment: The Lokadrusti Case

How has microfinance impacted women's empowerment?

Report of the Workshop Social Mobilization, Credit and Women's Empowerment

Integrating social empowerment with microfinance programs
Case Study

Gender and Microfinance in Bougainville: A Case Study

How can microfinance schemes promote gender equality?

Evidence on the Social and Economic Impact of Grameen Bank and BRAC on the Poor in Bangladesh

Assessing economic, social and political impact of microcredit programs

Women's Empowerment in Bangladesh: Credit is Not a Panacea

How great is the impact of credit on women's empowerment?
Case Study

Micro Credit and Women's Empowerment: A Case Study of SML

How far does microcredit contribute to women's empowerment?