Showing 121 - 130 of 185 results

The Effects of Microcredit on Women’s Control Over Household Spending in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Discussing the impact of microcredit on women empowerment

Global Best Practices in Banking Women-Led SMEs

Suggesting steps to implement best practices in reaching women-led SME markets

Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment: What Works?

Discussing the efficiency of various interventions on economic empowerment of women

Reaching Half of the Market: Women and Mobile Money

Providing guidelines to help build women’s confidence and trust in mobile money services

How Banks Can Profit from the Multi-Trillion Dollar Female Economy

Debunking four common myths to help banks develop better services for women

The Select Five Gender Performance Indicators

Measuring how well MFIs are serving women
Guide / Toolkit

Women in Agriculture: A Toolkit for Mobile Money Practitioners

Developing mobile-enabled services for women engaged in agriculture

Migration and Remittances: Recent Developments and Outlook

Studying the progress and perspectives on remittances among migrants

Giving Credit Where it is Due

Exploring how closing the credit gap for women-owned SMEs can drive global growth

The Promise of Microfinance and Women's Empowerment: What Does the Evidence Say?

Evaluating the promise of female empowerment in the global microfinance expansion