Showing 111 - 120 of 143 results

Women's Empowerment in Bangladesh: Credit is Not a Panacea

How great is the impact of credit on women's empowerment?

Towards Women's Empowerment and Poverty Reduction: Lessons from the Participatory Impact Assessment of South Asian Poverty Alleviation programme in Andhra Pradesh, India

Comprehensive program addressing poverty, women empowerment and social development

Report of the Workshop Social Mobilization, Credit and Women's Empowerment

Integrating social empowerment with microfinance programs

Women, Microfinance and Savings: Lessons and Proposals

What informal savings mechanisms do women use?
Case Study

Micro Credit and Women's Empowerment: A Case Study of SML

How far does microcredit contribute to women's empowerment?

Empowering Women to Achieve Food Security Microfinance

Analyzing impact of microfinance on women's empowerment