Showing 11 - 20 of 128 results

Gender-Intelligent Fintech Design: How Fintechs Can Capture the Female Economy

This report  quantifies the opportunity cost of not taking a gender-intelligent approach and lays out a map that fintechs can use to improve conversion rates of women through each stage of the funnel, equipping fintechs and their investors to take the steps to win the women’s market.


Gender Lens Investing Landscape: Gaps, Challenges, and Opportunities in Financial Inclusion for Women

This report provides evidence that while microfinance has been a driver of economic opportunities for underserved women globally, a more well-rounded gender lens investing approach is required to generate the level of impact necessary to truly advance financial inclusion for women.


Why a Segmentation Strategy Matters for Serving the Women’s Market

This paper explores the needs and preferences of specific women’s market segments as well as tries to understand how a segmentation strategy can support banks to better serve different women segments.


Addressing Gender Norms to Increase Financial Inclusion: Designing for Impact

This guide advocates for funders to use the market system development approach and proactively take gender norms into account when working to increase women’s financial inclusion.


Towards Responsible Digitization of Merchants in Rural India for COVID-19 Recovery

These 10 recommendations aim to unlock the impact of fintech in merchant digitization, particular for women, and  to further India’s progress on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Guide / Toolkit

Inclusive Digital Economies and Gender Equality Playbook


Normative Constraints to Women’s Financial Inclusion: What We Know and What We Need to Know

This paper brings together the evidence of what is known on norms and financial inclusion and uses cases to demonstrate aspects of and approaches to addressing discriminatory norms throughout the financial system.


Women’s Economic Empowerment and Financial Inclusion in Indonesia: Levers to Move Women From Inclusion to Empowerment

Grounded in an analysis of norms governing women’s agency, ability to enact preferences, bargaining power and financial independence, this report provides a conceptual framework to move Indonesian women from financial inclusion to empowerment.

Slide Deck

Gender and Cash In / Cash Out (CICO) Networks

This slide deck shows how to apply a gender lens to CICO network development and presents case studies that demonstrate how gender-intentional design works in practice.


Leadership as a Driver of Innovative Financial Services for Women

The guiding hypothesis of this research is that technical know-how and leadership competencies will enable executives to drive women’s financial inclusion on a greater scale than ever before