Showing 11 - 15 of 15 results

BRAC International: Empowering Women in Liberia Through Microfinance and Beyond

BRAC International has recently expanded its microfinance operations in Liberia, marking a significant milestone in its mission to empower women in rural and remote areas.


IFC’s $56-Million Investment in Global IME Bank to Bolster Gender and Climate Financing in Nepal

The aim of the investment is to boost competitiveness in the small and medium enterprise finance market while also improving financial inclusion, creating jobs, and supporting the nation's climate goals. 


USAID Signs Agreement to Support the Expansion of Union Bank’s Women-Focused Financial Services

This impactful collaboration will promote financial inclusion by addressing the specific needs of female customers in the banking sector through in-depth market research, a robust Customer Value Proposition, and strategic linkages with Sri Lankan women and women-owned Small and Medium Enterprises.


IFC’s First Investment in Banco Atlas to Support SMEs and Women-Led SMEs in Paraguay

The investment will directly support IFC priorities in Paraguay, fostering private investment and competition; encouraging economic formalization through financial resources for local businesses; and directing capital toward solutions that drive gender equality.


British International Investment and Compagnie Financière Africaine (COFINA) Advance Gender Finance for Small Businesses in Côte D’Ivoire Through EUR 14 Million Loan

The partnership will enhance local Micro-, Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises’ access to much needed credit for business growth, help create jobs and address gender finance gap.