Showing 11 - 20 of 52 results
Case Study

The Role of Microfinance in Women's Empowerment: A Study on the SHG Bank Linkage Program in Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh)

Examining the role of microfinance in women's empowerment

Rural Women Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Development

Empowering rural women through self-help groups

Are Women Self Help Group Members Economically More Empowered in Left-Run Municipalities?

Measuring economic empowerment attained by SHG members

Microfinance Syndrome: Is it for Empowerment or Disempowerment of Women?

Understanding the purpose of microfinance

Evaluating the Impact of Microcredit on Women's Empowerment In Pakistan

Does access to credit enhance poor women's role in household decision making?
Case Study

Women Ending Poverty: The WORTH Program in Nepal - Empowerment through Literacy, Banking and Business 1999-2007

Assessing a program that combines business, banking and literacy

Microfinance, Self-Help Groups and Empowerment in Maharashtra

Has access to microfinance empowered women to make decisions?

Effect of Microfinance Operations on Poor Rural Households and the Status of Women

Evaluating impact of microfinance projects

Does Microfinance Empower Women? Evidence from Self Help Groups in India

This study looks at the link between microfinance and women empowerment

Can Microfinance Empower Women? Self-Help Groups in India

Redefining women's empowerment in the context of microfinance