Showing 61 - 70 of 74 results

Pact's WORTH Model: A Savings-led Approach to Economic Security and Combating HIV/AIDS

How can participant-owned village banking help women address problems like HIV/AIDS?

The Economic Empowerment of Women through Microfinance

Analyzing microfinance as a strategy for economic empowerment of women

Gender Norms in Financial Markets: Evidence from Kenya

An analytical approach to examining gender influence on the demand and access to financial services

Social Interventions for HIV/AIDS: Intervention with Microfinance

How can microfinance help in the fight against AIDS?

Women Entrepreneurs in Ethiopia

Why do women entrepreneurs not fare well in Ethiopia?

Do Men Really Have no Shame?

Are women-only groups more successful because women have more shame than men?

Tackling the Down Side: Social Capital, Women's Empowerment and Microfinance in Cameroon

How effective is the financial self-sustainability paradigm in microfinance?

The Impact of Training on Women's Micro-Enterprise Development

Analyzing the impact of training on women's microenterprise development