Showing 41 - 50 of 209 results

Gender Centrality of Mobile Financial Services in Bangladesh

The findings of this research are based on a qualitative survey with 76 respondents which aimed to make sense of how and why women use DFS and offer recommendations for policy and practice.


Enhancing Women’s Economic Empowerment Through Digital Cash Transfers: Digitize/Direct/Design (D3) Criteria - An Application to Tanzania

Diagnostic for Tanzania's national Productive Social Safety Net assistance program

Labour Pains: Discovering the Financial Lives of Zambian Mothers

Needs, challenges and opportunities for inclusion in digital financial services

Examining Customer Journeys at Financial Institutions in Cambodia: Using Big Data to Advance Women’s Financial Inclusion

Applying a gender lens to understand customers' long-term financial service use

Understanding Demand for Financial Products Among Young Women in Central Java

In this publication, as part of its Low-Income Lives series, MicroSave highlights the results from its research on the perceptions around existing financial products and the need for new ones among the Central Java’s rural youth.


Female Smallholders in the Financial Inclusion Agenda

Exploring the gender gap through data from smallholder surveys in Tanzania and Mozambique

Closing the Gender Gap: Opportunities for the Women’s Mobile Financial Services Market in Bangladesh

Findings from quantitative survey of 4000 women on mobile financial services

Pro-WEAI Baseline Results from the Initiative Building the Resilience of Vulnerable Communities in Burkina Faso (BRB)

Developing project-level indicators to measure women’s empowerment