Showing 41 - 50 of 74 results

The Effect of Microfinance Factors on Women Entrepreneurs' Performance in Nigeria: A Conceptual Framework

Supporting women entrepreneurship to reduce poverty

Bridging the Gender Divide: An Experimental Analysis of Group Formation in African Villages

Studying assortative matching by gender in group formation in Zimbabwe

Microfinance Impact on Poor Rural Women Empowerment: A Household Level Bargaining Analysis

Does access to credit help in empowering poor rural women?

Empowerment of Women in Rural Ethiopia: A Review of Two Microfinance Models

Role of delivery models in women’s empowerment

Institutional Environment and Access to Microfinance by Self-employed Women in the Rural Areas of Edo State

Improving access to financial services for women

Institutional Environment and Access to Microfinance by Self-employed Women in the Rural Areas of Edo State, Nigeria

Assessing impact of microfinance services on self-employed women

Socio-economic Determinants of the Performance of Informal Women's Co-operative Microfinance Societies in Enugu State, Nigeria

Evaluating performance of women's cooperatives

Household Access to Microcredit and Children's Food Security in Rural Malawi: A Gender Perspective

Does women's access to microcredit plays a role in their children's nutrition?

Spatial and Socio-economic Dimensions of Clients of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana

Improving MFI targeting in Ghana