Showing 31 - 40 of 213 results

Pro-WEAI Baseline Results from the Initiative Building the Resilience of Vulnerable Communities in Burkina Faso (BRB)

Developing project-level indicators to measure women’s empowerment

A Comprehensive Framework for Gender Centrality in Financial Services

How can financial service providers serve women customers better?

Understanding Gender Norms in Rural Burkina Faso: A Qualitative Assessment

Will involving men in women’s empowerment increase project impact?

Gender and Digital Financial Inclusion: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know?

Overview of the current body of evidence on women’s access and usage of financial services

Bridging the Gender Gap: Promoting Women’s Financial Inclusion

Guidance on tackling challenges in achieving gender parity in financial inclusion

Remittances as a Driver of Women's Financial Inclusion in the Mekong Region

Identifying innovative solutions to cross-border payments and tailored financial products

Connected Women: Mapping the Mobile Money Gender Gap: Insights from Côte d’Ivoire and Mali

Where do female customers drop off on the mobile money customer journey?

Integrating Gender and Women’s Financial Inclusion Into National Strategies

Guidance for policymakers and regulators on narrowing the financial inclusion gender gap

The Role of Insurance Regulation in Promoting Inclusive Insurance for Women

Recommendations for insurance supervisors to enhance women’s access to insurance

Using Your Data to Drive Growth in Mobile Money Services: The Mobile Money Customer Journey with a Gender Lens

How can mobile financial service providers better target women?