Showing 201 - 209 of 209 results

Money Matters: Reaching Women Microentrepreneurs With Financial Services

This study hopes to contribute to designing better responses to women microentrepreneurs' demand by helping to create more efficient and viable institutions providing them with useful financial services into the twenty-first century and beyond.


Client Impact Assessment of Women's Entrepreneurship Development Program in Bangladesh

Assessing the impacts of Women's Enterprise Development Project on clients and their households

Financial Services for the Rural Poor and Women in India: Access and Sustainability

Performance of Indian financial institutions in providing services to the rural poor

Rural Women's Access to Credit and Extension: A Strategy for Change

How can rural women gain access to key resources?

Providing Enterprise Development and Financial Services to Women- A Decade of Bank Experience in Asia

A study of providing enterprise development and financial services to low income clients

Access to Credit for Poor Women: A Scale-up Study of Projects Carried out by Freedom from Hunger in Mali and Ghana

Analyzing Freedom from Hunger's village banking program in Mali and Ghana

Developing Financial Institutions for the Poor and Reducing Barriers to Access for Women

Have financial services succeeded in reaching the poor, especially poor women?

Gender and the Growth and the Dynamics of Microenterprises

How can women entrepreneurs participate in regional and national growth processes?