Showing 181 - 190 of 209 results

Supporting Women's Livelihoods: Microfinance that Works for the Majority - A Guide to Best Practices

Can microfinance improve the livelihoods of poor women?

Towards Women's Empowerment and Poverty Reduction: Lessons from the Participatory Impact Assessment of South Asian Poverty Alleviation programme in Andhra Pradesh, India

Comprehensive program addressing poverty, women empowerment and social development

Women's Entrepreneurship in Latin America: An Exploration of Current Knowledge

What are the constraints faced by women entrepreneurs in Latin America?

Governing Development: Neoliberalism, Microcredit, and Rational Economic Woman

Impact of microcredit initiatives on poverty reduction and gender inequality

Building Businesses, Rebuilding Lives: Microenterprise and Welfare Reform

Can microenterprise help women overcome their barriers to employment?

Women as Entrepreneurs in Sweden and the UK - Different Perspectives

Promoting best practices in entrepreneurship: Role of women and gender issues

Gender Bias, Credit Constraints and Time Allocation in Rural India

What is the impact of a child's gender on households' time allocation?