Showing 111 - 120 of 122 results

Governing Development: Neoliberalism, Microcredit, and Rational Economic Woman

Impact of microcredit initiatives on poverty reduction and gender inequality

Women as Entrepreneurs in Sweden and the UK - Different Perspectives

Promoting best practices in entrepreneurship: Role of women and gender issues

Building Businesses, Rebuilding Lives: Microenterprise and Welfare Reform

Can microenterprise help women overcome their barriers to employment?

The Impact of Training on Women's Micro-Enterprise Development

Analyzing the impact of training on women's microenterprise development

From the Margin to the Mainstream - Microfinance Programmes and Women's Empowerment: The Bangladesh Experience

How has microfinance contributed to empowerment?

Making the Poor Women Reach Markets: "SEWA's Journey"

Discussing SEWA's approach in organizing rural members

Money Matters: Reaching Women Microentrepreneurs With Financial Services

This study hopes to contribute to designing better responses to women microentrepreneurs' demand by helping to create more efficient and viable institutions providing them with useful financial services into the twenty-first century and beyond.


Rural Women's Access to Credit and Extension: A Strategy for Change

How can rural women gain access to key resources?