Showing 1 - 7 of 7 results

Towards Responsible Digitization of Merchants in Rural India for COVID-19 Recovery

These 10 recommendations aim to unlock the impact of fintech in merchant digitization, particular for women, and  to further India’s progress on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Case Study

Her Resilience in the Face of COVID-19

A data deep dive into the customer base of two financial service providers engaging with low-income women


A Majority of India’s Poor Women May Miss COVID-19 PMJDY Cash Transfers

This brief  discusses some ideas for how to increase access to the social safety net during a crisis.


Swadhaar, Accion, and Airtel Money: Mobile Money for Female Customers in India

Can MFIs and mobile network operators work together to help clients benefit from mobile money?

Use of Mobile Financial Services Among Poor Women in Rural India and the Philippines

Mobile phones & their ability to impact poor women's access to mobile financial services

Microfinance and Innovative Financing for Gender Equality: Approaches, Challenges, and Strategies

Paper presented at Eighth Commonwealth Women's Affairs Ministers Meeting