Showing 11 - 15 of 15 results
Case Study

Study on Microfinance and Social Mobilization for Women's Empowerment - A Case Study of DHAN Foundation

Can economic strength be the basis of social, political and psychological power in society?

Embedded Cooperation: Women's Thrift Cooperatives in Andra Pradesh

Relevance of economic sociological theories in microfinance

Towards Women's Empowerment and Poverty Reduction: Lessons from the Participatory Impact Assessment of South Asian Poverty Alleviation programme in Andhra Pradesh, India

Comprehensive program addressing poverty, women empowerment and social development
Case Study

Micro Credit and Women's Empowerment: A Case Study of SML

How far does microcredit contribute to women's empowerment?

Gender Bias, Credit Constraints and Time Allocation in Rural India

What is the impact of a child's gender on households' time allocation?