Showing 1 - 10 of 21 results

Women’s Financial Inclusion Toolkit

This toolkit is designed to aid the design and implementation of women's financial inclusion and empowerment programs.


A Majority of India’s Poor Women May Miss COVID-19 PMJDY Cash Transfers

This brief  discusses some ideas for how to increase access to the social safety net during a crisis.


The Mobile Gender Gap Report 2020

Findings based on surveys in 15 low- and middle-income countries

Swadhaar, Accion, and Airtel Money: Mobile Money for Female Customers in India

Can MFIs and mobile network operators work together to help clients benefit from mobile money?

Bridging the Gender Gap: Mobile Access and Usage in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Why is it important for women to be connected?

Capital, Skills and the Economic Lives of the Poor: Recent Evidence From Field Experiments

Can relaxing capital and skills constraints transform the economic lives of poor women?

Trickle Up ULTRA POOR PROGRAMME Qualitative Assessment of Sustainability of Programme Outcomes

Qualitative Assessment of Trickle Up's Ultra Poor Program

Productive Safety Nets for Women in Extreme Poverty: Lessons from Pilot Projects in India and Pakistan

SOAS Discussion Paper: Analyzing Programme Implementations in West Bengal, India and Sindh, Pakistan