Showing 11 - 20 of 43 results

S-Commerce Landscape - Bangladesh

Investigating the gender gap in digital financial services in Bangladesh

Gender Centrality of Mobile Financial Services in Bangladesh

The findings of this research are based on a qualitative survey with 76 respondents which aimed to make sense of how and why women use DFS and offer recommendations for policy and practice.


Closing the Gender Gap: Opportunities for the Women’s Mobile Financial Services Market in Bangladesh

Findings from quantitative survey of 4000 women on mobile financial services

Bridging the Gender Gap: Promoting Women’s Financial Inclusion

Guidance on tackling challenges in achieving gender parity in financial inclusion

Investing in Women along Agribusiness Value Chains

Calling the private sector to invest in closing the gender gap in agribusiness

Mobile Money for Empowerment Muslim Women Entrepreneur: Evidence from Asia (Indonesia and Bangladesh)

Designing effective mobile banking policies for the empowerment of Muslim women entrepreneurs

Gender Role and Individual Modernity: An Exploratory Study in Microfinance and Gender Role Transformation

Discussing the impact of microfinance on individual modernity of women clients

Multidimensional Targeting and Evaluation: A General Framework with an Application to a Poverty Program in Bangladesh

A new way to examine heterogeneity of program impacts

Capital, Skills and the Economic Lives of the Poor: Recent Evidence From Field Experiments

Can relaxing capital and skills constraints transform the economic lives of poor women?

Is Micro Too Small? Microcredit vs. SME Finance

Do small and medium enterprises create more jobs for poor households than microenterprises?