Showing 211 - 220 of 227 results
FinDev Blog

"Our Time As Leaders Has Come"

Women leaders in financial inclusion from around the globe answer the question: What message or advice would you give to women in the sector who would like to reach leadership positions in their institutions?
FinDev Interview

Why Do We Need a Women’s Financial Inclusion Community of Practice?

CGAP’s Yasmin Bin-Humam discusses why gender is such a key topic in financial inclusion and what the Women's Financial Inclusion Community of Practice (COP) is up to.
FinDev Blog

The Story of Her: Gender Insights from FinScope

FinScope’s layered approach to data collection and analysis allows us to explore women’s empowerment at the individual, household, and community levels.
FinDev Blog

Women’s Empowerment Indicators

Unlike other data sources, FII data has a dedicated gender module measuring women’s economic empowerment, which aims to assess whether women's access to finance results in empowerment.
FinDev Blog

Sowing Digital Seeds

Given the rapid expansion of digital financial services (DFS) use cases in agriculture, the burning question now is: How can women benefit from these tools at equal rates as men?
FinDev Blog

How to Bring More Women into Mobile Money

To improve the user experience of mobile money smartphone apps and help overcome barriers for women, GRID Impact uses human-centered design - creating solutions with women, not just for women.
FinDev Blog

Financial Inclusion Measurement Goes Mobile

Technology is remaking the financial system every couple of years, and Global Findex is adapting accordingly. Check out this sneak peak of new data to be released in April 2018 with questions on mobile and internet usage.
FinDev Blog

Making the Gender Gap Visible

Parsing through mountains of financial inclusion data to find meaningful patterns to advance women’s financial inclusion is overwhelming. CGAP’s Women’s Financial Inclusion Community of Practice guides you through the data.
FinDev Blog

Last Mile Financial Inclusion: What Will It Take to Reach More Rural Women?

Digital services - with their geographic reach, ease of use, and transparency - are driving financial inclusion and alleviating poverty. But are rural women being left behind? Learn more at #SEEP2017.
FinDev Interview

Can One Billion Women Become Economically Empowered by 2030?

Cindy Drakeman of DoubleXEconomy shares thoughts on women’s economic empowerment and microfinance