Showing 11 - 19 of 19 results
FinEquity Blog

How Ghana’s New Digital Finance Policy Can Drive Women’s Inclusion

Ghana made waves earlier this year when it launched the world’s first digital financial services (DFS) policy, building on the past five years of explosive DFS growth in the country. Can the new policy help to close the gender gap?
FinEquity Blog

COVID-19 Gendered Impacts on Livelihoods in Africa: A new Sex Disaggregated Data Set for SSA

Members of FinMark Trust present the methodology behind their COVID-19 tracker and share initial insights on the impact of COVID-19 on women’s resilience and economic participation in selected sub-Saharan African countries.
FinEquity Blog

Grace Majara Kibombo of CARE USA

Grace Majara Kibombo is a Senior Technical Advisor for CARE USA based in Kampala, Uganda. In this FinEquity Member Spotlight Interview, Grace tells us about the work CARE does to support women's financial inclusion, the value and impact of Savings Groups in Uganda, and how CARE was able to provide critical guidance to COVID-19 in record time.
FinDev Blog

The Gender Gap is Wide. Which FinTechs Are Working to Narrow It?

A new Female-Focused Fintech Prize aims to connect and bring attention to fintech products working for women.
FinDev Blog

Two Steps Behind: Social Inequality Poses a Challenge for Women’s Financial Inclusion in DR Congo

A recent FINCA survey of clients in DR Congo shows that women entrepreneurs are confined to the smallest, least profitable businesses. Getting a realistic picture of the obstacles women face helps prepare us for the task ahead of shifting the ground in women’s favor.
FinDev Blog

Getting It Right: With Mobile for Girls

Mobile offers significant potential to engage people at scale, connecting them to services and solutions that can improve their everyday lives. The rise of mobile banking products, such as Safaricom’s mPesa in Kenya and other digital financial services, show that overcoming specific contextual challenges and responding to the demand of low-income people at scale, requires digitally-led solutions.
FinDev Interview

Amplifying Women’s Voices for Financial Inclusion in Africa

Interview with Nomsa Daniels, CEO of the pan-African advocacy organization Graça Machel Trust
FinDev Blog

Who Sends Money to Whom? Gendered Flows of Mobile Money in Kenya

An anthropological approach to digital finance using social network analysis
FinDev Blog

What Lies Behind the Persistent Financial Inclusion Gender Gap?

Zooming in on Southern Africa to look at how women in the region access and use financial services