Showing 71 - 80 of 90 results
FinEquity Blog

FinEquity's February 2021 Newsletter

This month we bring you our third learning theme, Impact Pathways; our Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) Guide; upcoming events and opportunities; as well as FinDev's podcast. 
FinEquity Blog

Making Measurement Count: A Focus on Impact Pathways for Women’s Financial Inclusion

This is the fourth post in our series on FinEquity’s new learning themes, launched in 2020. In this blog, FinEquity’s new Thematic Lead for Impact Pathways (IP), Jennifer Ferreri, shares an overview of the theme, introducing the work plan for the coming year and highlighting how members can engage during the year.
FinEquity Blog

Minding the DFS Gender Gap: Battling Social Norms to Level the Playing Field

Last week, Mondato hosted a webinar focused on the digital financial services (DFS) gender gap, as part of its “The New Normal in Digital Finance” series.
FinEquity Blog

Reflecting Forward: A Focus on Thoughtful and Deliberate Digitally-Enabled Financial Inclusion for Women in 2021

In this post, FinEquity’s Thematic Lead for Digitally-Enabled Financial Inclusion (DEFI) Catherine Highet introduces the work plan for the coming year focusing on sub-themes that assess some of the challenges of DEFI and considers thoughtful approaches to better enable the meaningful use of digital financial services. 
FinEquity Blog

Gender-Transformative Solutions During the COVID Era and Beyond

FinEquity’s new learning agenda, developed by drawing on engagement with our membership base and deep-dive consultations with leading research and programmatic stakeholders, is organized around three main learning themes: Gender Transformative Solutions, Digitally-Enabled Financial Inclusion, and Impact Pathways. 
FinEquity Blog

Crisis as an Inflection Point for Women’s Financial Inclusion:

Some key insights and resources we take away from #FinEquity2020:
FinEquity Blog

FinEquity2020 and Beyond

A preview of FinEquity's expanded thematic areas and member engagement opportunities.
FinEquity Blog

A Letter from Antonique Koning

Meet CGAP’s new Gender Lead Antonique Koning
FinEquity Blog

GIZ Helpdesk 2.0 – Collaborative Problem Solving for Women’s Financial Inclusion

GIZ's new Women's Economic Empowerment Help Desk brings Gender Experts together to solve tough challenges.
FinEquity Blog

Deena Burjorjee, IFC Upstream Lead for the Middle East and North Africa

In this FinEquity Member Spotlight, FinEquity's first facilitator, Deena Burjorjee discusses the organization's history, mission, and future opportunities.