Showing 61 - 70 of 168 results

PoWER Assessment of Women’s Economic Empowerment in The Gambia

This document presents the final analysis of data collected through desk research, interviews, focus group discussions, and surveys on women and girls’ financial inclusion in The Gambia.


Enhancing Women’s Economic Empowerment Through Digital Cash Transfers - Digitize/Direct/Design: The D3 Criteria

Is digitizing cash transfer programs to poor women the answer to closing the gender gap?

Enhancing Women’s Economic Empowerment Through Digital Cash Transfers: Digitize/Direct/Design (D3) Criteria - An Application to Tanzania

Diagnostic for Tanzania's national Productive Social Safety Net assistance program

Breakthroughs in Women’s Empowerment: Decision-making Power of Women in Microfinance and Financial Self-help Groups in Jharkhand and West Bengal

Key findings from Health Diaries conducted with 45 women in two states in India

Beyond Access: Shaping a Gender-Transformative Approach to Financial Inclusion

Challenging gender inequalities that impede women’s economic empowerment

Pro-WEAI Baseline Results from the Initiative Building the Resilience of Vulnerable Communities in Burkina Faso (BRB)

Developing project-level indicators to measure women’s empowerment

Understanding Gender Norms in Rural Burkina Faso: A Qualitative Assessment

Will involving men in women’s empowerment increase project impact?