Showing 21 - 30 of 32 results

Support for Growth-oriented Women Entrepreneurs in Ethiopia

Looking at the need to support women entrepreneurs in Ethiopia

Pact's WORTH Model: A Savings-led Approach to Economic Security and Combating HIV/AIDS

How can participant-owned village banking help women address problems like HIV/AIDS?
Case Study

Case Study of FINCA Uganda

Roadmap to success: The FINCA experience in Uganda
Case Study

Relevance and Priorities of ICT for Women in Rural Communities: A Case Study from Nigeria

Does microfinance with information and communication technology (ICT) impact poverty alleviation?
Case Study

Gender Access to Credit Under Ghana's Financial Sector Reform: A Case Study of Two Rural Banks in the Central Region of Ghana

Has the gender access to credit increased due to financial liberalization in Ghana?

The Impact of Training on Women's Micro-Enterprise Development

Analyzing the impact of training on women's microenterprise development

Microfinance and the Empowerment of Women - A Review of the Key Issues

Empowerment cannot be assumed to be an automatic outcome of microfinance programmes for women
Guide / Toolkit

Mata Masu Dubara - Womens Savings and Credit Groups - Training Guide

How do women benefit from a savings and credit association?