Showing 11 - 19 of 19 results

Women’s Financial Inclusion: A Driver for Global Growth

Recommendations for various stakeholders to address challenges to financial access

Policy Frameworks to Support Women's Financial Inclusion

Examples of promising policy solutions to help close the gender gap in financial inclusion

Individual Lending for Low-Income Women Entrepreneurs: An Inclusive Approach

A how-to framework for developing products for women in emerging markets

Digital Savings: The Key to Women’s Financial Inclusion?

Research and emerging best practices in digital savings for women
Guide / Toolkit

Eight Tips for Successfully Marketing to Women

Sharing strategies for marketing financial products to women clients

Global Best Practices in Banking Women-Led SMEs

Suggesting steps to implement best practices in reaching women-led SME markets

The Select Five Gender Performance Indicators

Measuring how well MFIs are serving women

Savings: A Gateway to Financial Inclusion

Providing banking institutions a business case for mobilizing savings from low-income women

Microinsurance that Works for Women: Making Gender-Sensitive Microinsurance Programs

Designing microinsurance to address women-specific risks