Showing 61 - 70 of 102 results

Reaching Half of the Market: Women and Mobile Money

Providing guidelines to help build women’s confidence and trust in mobile money services

How Banks Can Profit from the Multi-Trillion Dollar Female Economy

Debunking four common myths to help banks develop better services for women

The Select Five Gender Performance Indicators

Measuring how well MFIs are serving women

Giving Credit Where it is Due

Exploring how closing the credit gap for women-owned SMEs can drive global growth

Are Pakistan’s Women Entrepreneurs Being Served by the Microfinance Sector?

Evaluating the impact and outreach of Pakistan’s microfinance sector on its women entrepreneurs

Savings: A Gateway to Financial Inclusion

Providing banking institutions a business case for mobilizing savings from low-income women

Country Survey Rwanda: Gender Differences in the Usage of Formal Financial Services

Providing insights into gender differences in the use of formal financial products in Rwanda

2012 State of The Field In Youth Economic Opportunities: A Guide for Programming, Policymaking, and Partnership Building

Proceedings from the "5th Global Youth Economic Opportunities Conference" September 7-9, 2011

Gender Policy and Practice: Self-Assessments of Microfinance and Enterprise Development Organizations in Latin America

Examining MFI's commitment to gender equity and women's empowerment

Rural Women’s Access to Financial Services: Credit, Savings and Insurance

How can we ensure that farmers have adequate access to financial resources?