Showing 51 - 57 of 57 results

Women's Empowerment and Participation in Microfinance: Evidence, Issues and Ways Ahead

How can women's empowerment be more successfully integrated into microfinance programmes?

Good Practices in the Promotion of Female Entrepreneurship - Examples from Europe and Other OECD Countries

How can effective support be provided to women entrepreneurs?

Integrating Gender Policy in Microfinance: Community Development Centre (CODEC), Bangladesh

Can gender policy be integrated with microfinance without sacrificing financial sustainability?

Increasing Access and Benefits for Women: Practices and Innovations Among Microfinance Institutions

Assesses the state of outreach to women and recent innovations to better serve them

Supporting Women's Livelihoods: Microfinance that Works for the Majority - A Guide to Best Practices

Can microfinance improve the livelihoods of poor women?

Rural Women's Access to Credit and Extension: A Strategy for Change

How can rural women gain access to key resources?

Operational Issues: Designing Financial Services for Women

How can the needs and preferences of women clients be met?