Showing 21 - 30 of 139 results

Why the Economic Response to COVID-19 Needs to Be Financially Inclusive and Gender Sensitive

Steps policymakers and regulators can take to advance women’s financial inclusion


An Assessment of Policy and Regulatory Constraints and Enablers to Women’s Financial Inclusion in Myanmar

In-depth review and analysis of existing policies and regulations accompanied by a literature review


Delivering on the Potential of Digitized G2P

Driving women’s financial inclusion and empowerment through Indonesia’s Program Keluarga Harapan

Digital Cash Transfers in Times of COVID-19

Opportunities and considerations for women's inclusion and empowerment


Advancing Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion

10 policy options to improve women's economic participation

Women’s Access to Cash Transfers in Light of COVID-19: The Case of Pakistan

How to ensure more women are able to access emergency cash programs

COVID-19 and the Insurance Industry: Why a Gender-Sensitive Response Matters

Advice intended to assist IFC clients and partners in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic

Lessons on Enhancing Women’s Financial Inclusion Using Digital Financial Services (DFS)

How DFS and/or specific policy interventions can reduce the financial inclusion gender gap

Making Digital Finance Work for Women in the MENA Region

Eight lessons from the field

A Majority of India’s Poor Women May Miss COVID-19 PMJDY Cash Transfers

This brief  discusses some ideas for how to increase access to the social safety net during a crisis.