Showing 1 - 10 of 14 results
Case Study

Poor Women and their Money: Between Daily Survival, Private Life, Family Obligations and Social Norms

Understanding the complexity and diversity of women's informal financial practices
Case Study

Spending, Saving and Borrowing: Perceptions and Experiences of Girls in Gujarat

This paper studies savings patterns, including barriers and control over savings in Gujarat, India
Case Study

Micro Finance and Empowerment of Scheduled Caste Women: An Impact Study of SHGs in Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal

How do scheduled caste women benefit from SHG membership?
Case Study

Performance Analysis of Fisherwomen Self Help Groups in Tamil Nadu

Examining the impact of microfinance on fisherwomen's lives in India
Case Study

Financial Relationships Between Community Based Organisations and the Formal Banking Sector - YCO's Perspective

How have youth charitable organization helped poor women access financial services?
Case Study

India's Self-Employed Women's Association: Empowerment through Mobilization of Poor Women on a Large Scale

What can be learnt from SEWA's experience in mobilizing and empowering poor self-employed women?
Case Study

Study on Microfinance and Social Mobilization for Women's Empowerment - A Case Study of DHAN Foundation

Can economic strength be the basis of social, political and psychological power in society?