Case Study

NGO Micro Credit Projects in Yunnan and Sichuan: Five Case Studies

Delivering microfinance services through different models
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This paper is a compilation of case studies of five organizations that provide microcredit in Yunan and Sichuan provinces of China.

The five organizations offer microfinance services to help the poor deal with different concerns. These include:

  • Microcredit Development Organisation of Rural Sichuan (DORS) implements small-scale village based projects in the areas of education, micro credit, infrastructure, social and community forestry, fuel-efficient stoves, animal husbandry and environmental conservation;
  • Heifer International supports animal husbandry related projects with a microcredit component. It provides funding and management training, and has local partners who are responsible for implementing projects;
  • Habitat for Humanity is an international NGO dedicated to eliminating poverty by providing people with safe, decent and affordable housing;
  • Nature Conservancy's Green Village Credit offers consumer credit loans for the installation of renewable energy devices as well as loans for income generating activities;
  • Association for Rural Development (ARDY) provides microfinance services for animal husbandry, agriculture and off-farm businesses, as well as business loans.

About this Publication

By Bartu, M.