Case Study

EACID Case Study: Eight Years of Lending in Upper Egypt

A focus on child-friendly microfinance
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This case study profiles the institution, The Egyptian Association Initiatives and Development (EACID), its services and its performance. The study pays particular attention to the organization's work in child-friendly microfinance. The study presents EACID's:

  • Diverse credit services and discusses:
    • Different product lines;
    • Requirements;
    • Client eligibility.
  • Outreach and impact and states that it is:
    • Profitable;
    • Piloting financial services in marginalized markets;
    • Reaching a broad target market very poor clients.
  • Financial performance - its:
    • Operational self-sufficiency;
    • Financial viability.
  • Revenue and expenses;
  • High efficiency and productivity;
  • Strong portfolio quality.

The study highlights the Promoting and Protecting the Interests of Children who Work (PPIC) project, which provides financial services to business owners who employ children and also to family-run businesses to improve the working conditions and learning opportunities for children and youth.The study concludes that:

  • EACID's success presents enormous potential for other non-bank organizations in Egypt and the Middle East to innovate in the financial services sector, while meeting the bottom line.
  • EACID has demonstrated its capacity to offer quality financial services to niche markets that include taxi drivers, women, working children and the youth.
  • EACID's commitment to combining social and financial objectives has proven effective.
  • Its strengths in the area of innovation, management, and human resources make it a leader in the areas of financial innovation and microfinance.

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